Effective Construction Meetings & Meeting Minutes Friday, September 20, 2024
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In the dynamic world of construction project management, efficient communication is key to success. Construction meetings serve as vital forums for collaboration, decision-making, and progress tracking. However, without proper structure and documentation, these meetings can become ineffective and inefficient.

In this workshop, we will delve into the essential elements of conducting productive construction meetings and creating accurate meeting minutes. Meticulous meeting minutes from construction meetings offer a comprehensive reflection of all stakeholders' perspectives. They serve as crucial documentation, providing an accurate portrayal of the project's current status and outlining agreed-upon next steps by all parties involved.

This workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Facilitating productive and streamlined construction meetings
  • Identifying various types of construction meetings and their optimal timing
  • Capturing precise and factual construction meeting minutes
  • Recognizing standard agenda topics and additional discussion points for documentation
  • Highlighting the significance of construction meeting minutes in project deliverable and risk management
  • Encouraging project stakeholders to fulfill recorded commitments
  • Effectively managing actionable items arising from meetings
  • Appreciating the transformation of construction meeting minutes into permanent records
  • Implementing efficient distribution and follow-up procedures

Who Should Attend: Project managers and coordinators, site supervisors, construction managers, architects and engineers, subcontractors, owners and developers, legal and contracting professionals, consultants and advisors. 

Successful completion of this course is worth 1 Gold Seal credit. 

Effective Construction Meetings & Meeting Minutes
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Alana Modi