August 2024 ADI Clinic Tauranga - Session 1 Tuesday, August 27, 2024
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Each month, founders of start-ups, or owners of businesses wanting to scale-up have the opportunity to meet and get input from people who make angel investments.

ADI Clinic (Angelic Drop-In Clinic) sessions are a great way to engage and understand what angel investors are interested in and need to see from you AND the startup or business.

If you have; 

  • started your entrepreneurial journey and have explored (well researched) an idea;
  • have a customer group and/or a product in early stages of development;
  • a team and early validation; or indeed
  • a business with recurring revenue and want to scale it

ADI Clinic provides you with insight into what angels will look for when you want to raise capital to grow.

This is a free service facilitated by enabled through generous donation of free time from Enterprise Angels members and other local investors.

More Info
Enterprise Angels Admin Team