EA Funds' AGM 2024 Wednesday, July 31, 2024
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At 31 March Enterprise Angels had four active funds, EA Fund 1, EA Fund 2EA Fund 3, and recently launched EA Fund 4. The fund portfolios include some very well known, high growth NZ companies such as Figured, Fuel50, Parrot Analytics, Rockit Global, Spoke, Mint Innovation, FileInvite and Emerge. 

At the AGM we will provide an overview of the performance of all four funds. In addition to the opportunity to ask the board and management any questions you have about the funds, the highlight of this event is hearing from the portfolio companies. We have lined up six companies to share their updates with you.

Figured    Spoke Phone    Mastaplex    FileInvite    SquareOne/Emerge    RealAml 

Limited Partners have priority to this event, however interested EA members are welcome to attend.



This event is open to wholesale investors only. If you are a wholesale investor please register below to receive your invitation.  

If you are an entrepreneur interested in raising capital through Enterprise Angels, more information is available here.

By registering you are agreeing that all information provided at or subsequent to the event is confidential and may not be disclosed to any person outside of the Enterprise Angels membership under any circumstances without express written permission of Enterprise Angels. Also that you will declare any conflicts of interest if this applies in any situation and will need to comply with relevant legislation in order to invest.

By registering for this event you will be automatically added to the Enterprise Angels database. You can unsubscribe from our newsletters at anytime by clicking the link in the footer. 

More Info
Kelly Taylor